Jones Questions McGuinty about Government Silence on EA
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- Published on Wednesday, 30 November 2011 10:02
- Hits: 2295
"As of yesterday, (November 29, 2011), the Ministry of the Environment had not appointed a Project Officer for the EA."
From the Legislative Assembly
First Session, 40th Parliament
Official Report Journal of Debates
Tuesday 29 November 2011, page 166
Ms. Sylvia Jones: Speaker, my question is for the Premier. During this past election, a number of Liberal members made statements that your government intends to stop the Highland Companies from opening a quarry in Melancthon township.
Can the Premier please explain how you plan to pre-vent this quarry from being approved?
Hon. Dalton McGuinty: To the Minister of the En-vironment.
Hon. James J. Bradley: First and foremost, Mr. Speaker, our government believes that it’s critical to manage the resources of the province in an appropriate fashion.
The Highland quarry is currently being put through an environmental assessment. I recognize that that is some-what unusual in the private sector. I can’t recall any of the previous governments doing this. I’m not being critical of them; I don’t recall them doing it.
But this is going through a full environmental assess-ment. It’s designated, even as a private sector initiative, for that full environmental assessment. That means, first of all, that they would have to justify the need. Second, they would have to look at all aspects of the proposal that’s put forward. It allows for maximum input from the people from the area.
I want to commend all of my colleagues in the Legis-lature who have felt that this is most appropriate to do.
The Speaker (Hon. Dave Levac): Supplementary?
Ms. Sylvia Jones: Oh, Speaker, many, many words; not a lot of action.
The Highland Companies, in fact, will submit what they want the terms of reference to be for the environ-mental assessment, and no EA has begun. The public wants to be part of that process, needs that consultation. The people are rightfully concerned that the water re-sources and the water tables will be affected because of this application.
Minister, we are looking for assurances. We need assurances from you that this application will go under a full environmental assessment that includes public con-sultation. Can you commit today to involving the public in the terms of reference and set that as part of your environmental assessment review?
Hon. James J. Bradley: I want to repeat to the mem-ber that I know this is unusual. In the past, it was not done. When there was a request from time to time for private sector designation, that was resisted by previous governments. Our government has, in fact, indicated that it will engage in a full environmental assessment. That commitment has been given. When the assessment com-mences, we’ll be seeking information on all aspects of this from the public. Many of my colleagues have asked for this.
We recognize that for a number of years in the province of Ontario, you simply bulldozed through the proposals that were there, and there was no environ-mental assessment designation. We have committed to that and a full public consultation. We invite the public to make its representations.
Unlike what used to—
The Speaker (Hon. Dave Levac): Thank you. New question.
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