NDACT seeks to document crusade against mega-quarry
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- Published on Saturday, 14 December 2019 00:21
- Hits: 3803
December 12, 2019 - Shelburne Free Press
As one of its goals for 2020, The North Dufferin Agriculture and Community Taskforce (NDACT) seeks to record its founding and iconic battle to protect North Dufferin from environmental disaster.
“Our project in the New Year,” says NDACT Chair Karren Wallace, “is to document the story of the Stop the Mega Quarry campaign and we are all very excited.” Already having taken the first steps in the project, she says the organization is “putting together a promo video to shop around.
“Hopefully we will get someone interested in doing a documentary. It is truly an amazing story with remarkable everyday people who did the impossible.”
Reviewing 2019, Ms. Wallace says 2019 “has been a very busy year for NDACT.”
“With the change of government in 2018, there has been a rapid pace of legislation that has been introduced with opportunities to provide input. It is almost like playing whack a mole with the various Bills and the pace.”
For example, “In late 2018 the government introduced Bill 66 ‘To restore Ontario’s Competitiveness Act’.”
“While NDACT is supportive of the goal of streamlining and reducing red tape for businesses to operate in Ontario the Bill was disturbing in that it proposed to take away the notifications to citizens of specific planning applications. NDACT’s submission urged the government to revise the Bill to ensure democratic rights are not stripped and that the legislation in place to protect health food and water was not undermined. To support opposition of this Bill we attended an Environmental Defence working session, a Gravel Watch meeting and we formed a deputation to all lower tier municipalities in Dufferin County.”
Several Provincial policy concerns kept NDACT busy commenting on various Acts as well, including the Aggregate Resources Act, the Provincial Policy Statement review and most recently Bill 132. “The common theme seems to be less oversight by provincial ministries or regulation and giving more power to developers.” NDACT calls this “very concerning.”
A grant from the Friends of the Greenbelt in 2018, allowed NDACT to hold two information sessions. “The first was held in Shelburne with Darren White, Mayor of Melancthon, and Dr. Philip Loring of Guelph University discussing how development impacts municipalities and how the Greenbelt impacts development,” Ms. Wallace said. “The second was held at the Arboretum in Guelph with speakers Victor Doyle and (Green Party) MPP Mike Schreiner.”
She said the second pillar of the Greenbelt grant “is to partner with major food and industry sectors to promote preserving and protecting our prime farmland and source water-more details to follow throughout the year. Our greenbelt grant project is an opportunity for those in any of the agriculture sectors to broaden the partnership.”
In addition, 2019 saw NDACT strengthened their partnership with AWARE Simcoe and welcomed a new NDACT Board member, Len Guchardi of Shelburne.
Heading into 2020, “NDACT anticipates more rapid fire legislation from this government, that, for lack of a better analogy, looks like it was written by developers and industry insiders.”
She reminded NDACT members and all Ontariians that the winning strategy in the battle against the Mega Quarry was “working with partners and key stakeholders as the key to opposing ill conceived legislation.” This formula is, undoubtedly, the key to success moving forward into new battles for food and source water protection across the country. As NDACT has witnessed, “There is strength in numbers,” said Ms.Wallace.
Open for Business: Concerns With Bill 66
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- Published on Friday, 11 January 2019 17:00
- Hits: 2919
Mono Councillor Fred Nix stands at one of the town's well heads, explaining that Bill 66, Ontario's Open for Business Act allows for industrial development bylaws which undermine some water protections like those on municipal wells. - Alexandra Heck/Metroland
The Orangeville Banner, January 10, 2019 by Alexandra Heck
Fred Nix, councillor with the Town of Mono stands by one of their wells at a dead-end street off Highway 9.
It’s an area protected by Ontario’s Clean Water Act, and all developments along the highway must comply with regulations to protect the source water under his very feet.
A new bill passed by the Province may undermine that and has he and other local politicians concerned about its wide-ranging implications.
“Whatever Bill 66 is exempting people from is wrong,” he said, noting that is turns back years of source water protection policies.
Part of former megaquarry plan 1 approval away from aggregate pit status
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- Published on Friday, 20 July 2018 13:06
- Hits: 2314
Strada Aggregates plans to expand its operations in Melancthon by another 150 acres, including a 50-acre parcel it has purchased from Bonnefield Financial, the firm that acquired the former megaquarry lands from The Highland Companies in 2013. The new lands Strada has proposed for aggregate extraction are highlighted in red. - MHBC Planning
With its plan to extract aggregate from a small piece of the defunct megaquarry plan approved by Melancthon council, Strada Aggregates is now awaiting final word from the province.
Megaquarry land part of new aggregate application in Melancthon
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- Published on Sunday, 30 July 2017 13:28
- Hits: 2954
Strada Aggregates plans to expand its operations in Melancthon by another 150 acres, including a 50-acre parcel it has purchased from Bonnefield Financial, the firm that acquired the former megaquarry lands from The Highland Companies in 2013. The new lands Strada has proposed for aggregate extraction are highlighted in red. - MHBC Planning
There is a new aggregate application in Melancthon and it includes some of the former megaquarry lands.
Strada Aggregates has filed an application under the Aggregate Resources Act (ARA) to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) seeking approval to expand its existing operations in the township and permit a maximum of 1.25 million tonnes extracted per year.
Strada plans to increase its operation near Dufferin County Road 17 and 4th Line by another 150 acres, which includes a 50-acre parcel it purchased from Bonnefield Financial, the firm that acquired the former megaquarry lands from The Highland Companies in 2013.
“It’s just the beginning of a long process,” said Melancthon Mayor Darren White, acknowledging the inclusion of the former megaquarry land may bring back some old memories for residents.
By Chris Halliday
Published July 28, 2017, Orangeville Banner
MNRF rejects under the water table pit expansion in Mono
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- Published on Sunday, 09 July 2017 19:42
- Hits: 2938
Ontario’s Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) has denied St. Marys Cement’s request to expand its pit and extract below the water table near the Orangeville fairgrounds.
In May of 2014, the company filed an application under the Aggregate Resources Act (ARA) relating to the company’s Craig Pit located between the eastern arm of Island Lake and 5 Side Road in Mono.
“Although (St. Marys) has attempted to resolve some of these concerns, there are a number of that remain outstanding,” MNRF regional director Sharon Rew wrote on June 15