Soupstock Photos
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- Published on Thursday, 25 October 2012 13:58
- Hits: 3506
NDACT Goes to Soupstock
A bus from Dufferin County took some
NDACT supporters to Soupstock on Sunday October 21, 2012
Row 1 Left to Right: Image #1-One of the several artists at Soupstock, # 2-Dale Hamilton & Ayrlie M, from Everybody's Theatre Company, # 3-Art vendor "Cedarfox", # 4-Danny Beaton, Member of Six Nations Turtle Clan Mohawks, # 5-Michael Stadtlander stirring soup
Row 2 Left to Right: Image # 6-MCs George Stroumboulopoulos & Jeremy Taggart, #7-Hobo Wally, #8-Danny Beaton speaking with Soupstock supporter, #9-Dale Goldhawk and Mary from Zoomer Radio stand on either side of NDACT Chair Carl Cosack, #10-NDACT Board Member Ted Metz signing petition, #11-Ace Bakery serves bread to go with all that soup
Row 3 Left to Right: Image #11-Ace Bakery serves bread to go with all that soup, #12-NDACT supporters Mary Lynne Armstrong & Marie Halliday, #13-Dufferin artist Peter Adams stands with his artwork of the Mega Quarry, #14-Soupstock volunteers chatting with the crowd, #15-petition signing
Row 4 Left to Right: Image # 16-Uses Melancthon grown potatoes, # 17 Alysha Brillinger music performance, # 18-Dave Vander Zaag, Melancthon farmer and NDACT Board member speaks to the crowd about the exceptional qualities of the soil in Melancthon, #19-Eric Vander Zaag speaks to crowd while his father & brother look on, # 20 Pig head (pork from the Armstrong family, Melancthon farmers), # 21-Ted Metz, NDACT Board member
Row 5 Left to Right: Image # 21-Ted Metz, NDACT Board member, # 22-line up for soup, # 23-the crowd has grown in numbers, # 24-Dave & Diane Cowen (Diane is NDACT Treasurer),#25-NDACT booth, # 26 Nottawasaga Steelheaders booth, # 27-Stop the Highway booth, # 28-Ontario Farmland Trust booth, # 29-NDACT booth, # 30-NDACT volunteer Christina W. explain the proposed quarry situation to Soupstock attendee
Row 6 Left to Right: Image # 26 Nottawasaga Steelheaders booth, # 27- Danny Beaton a member of the Six Nation Turtle Clan Mohawks, # 28-Stop the Highway booth, # 29-Ontario Farmland Trust booth, # 30-NDACT booth
Row 7 Left to Right: Image # 31-NDACT volunteer Christina W. explains the proposed quarry situation to Soupstock attendee, # 32-view from hill, # 33-view from hill, # 34-view from hill, # 35-Ralph Armstrong, Melancthon farmer & NDACT Board member
Row 8 Left to Right: Images # 36 to 38-the banner is filling up with signatures, # 39-spreading the message, # 40-having fun, # 41-gathering around the water trailer
Bottom Row Left to Right: Image # 41-gathering around the water trailer, # 42-Soupstock volunteers with bowl helmet& spoon helmet, # 43-Donna Baylis, NDACTvolunteer, # 44-Donna Baylis explaining the watershed map
Soupstock & NDACT Volunteer, Donna Tranquada took these photos.
Click on each photo for enlarged view. (Click on arrows on top right and left of enlarged photos for a slide show.)