
NDACT is a volunteer non-profit organization

All donations and membership fees are used to fund the ongoing expenses being incurred in retaining legal, planning and other consultants, as well as media, public outreach and other miscellaneous expenses.

Although The Highland Companies have withdrawn their application, our water and farmland are still at risk.


Payment Methods

Mail In:

P.O. Box 875
Shelburne, Ontario
L9V 3M1


Waterstock - June 11, 2017

Wellington Water Watchers and Riverfest Elora



You are invited to Waterstock at the Erin Fall Fairgrounds, to join together as a community and ask Premier Kathleen Wynne to Say No to Nestlé.

Wellington County is currently on the front line of the movement to Say No to Nestlé.

Come to Waterstock and help stop Nestle’s insatiable demand for more and more water around the planet. 

Wellington Water Watchers together with Riverfest Elora are preparing for thousands

to attend this event, which will feature celebrity chefs, musicians, artists, local wineries and breweries.

Waterstock will be an empowering celebration.

Join them at Waterstock and help make it a watershed moment in the movement to protect Ontario’s water.