NDACT Press Release Mar. 7, 2022
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- Published on Tuesday, 08 March 2022 15:55
- Hits: 18744
For Immediate Release: March 7, 2022
This public message is brought to you by NDACT.
At our January 15, 2022, Community Meeting, NDACT proposed that if the science behind Strada Application Studies is deemed viable, NDACT is prepared to not challenge the application.
We are working with Strada to negotiate the creation of a fund to be established once the application has been approved. This fund will assist certain landowners to rmedy water problems experienced during the lifetime of the quarry.
Section 12 (e) of the Aggregate Resources Act states that an applicant must show there are any possible effects on ground and surface water resources including provate wells and natural water features.
Strada has notified NDACT that they will be conducting this study. Strada will be seeking permission to access the properties of landowners within 1 kilometer of their proposed quarry site.
As a property owner you should be aware that you do not have to give consent to Strada to access your land.
To protect your interests, NDACT reccommends landowners wait to provide access to their property pending an agreement between NDACT and Strada.
For further information contact:
Nanci Malek
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