New Director for Food & Water First Campaign
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- Published on Thursday, 05 October 2017 13:31
- Hits: 2713
Food & Water First has a new leader! Donna Baylis is taking over from Shirley Boxem who has led our grassroots organization for nearly five years. Like, Shirley, Donna Baylis has been tireless in promoting the protection of farmland and water resources.
*Please note: Donna's position as Food & Water First Campaign Director, is not to be confused with the NDACT Chair position.
What's been your involvement in Food & Water First?
I was heavily involved in the Stop the Mega Quarry fight in 2011 and 2012. I was a computer administrator, and spent the summers at farmers' markets, art shows and festivals raising awareness. Foodstock and Soupstock were massive events and I was there for both of them, though I admit I spent most of the time talking!
What are your greatest concerns?
We are losing 175 acres of farmland per day in Ontario which means we stand to lose two million acres by the year 2050. As our population grows, how can we ensure food security? As well, Ontario's water sources are not properly protected. It's simple. We all must eat and drink to survive. We have to consider what the future looks like for us and our children. When it comes to food and water, that conversation must start today.
What's in store for Food & Water First over the next year?
I want Food & Water First to stimulate the conversation about these resources as Ontarians gear up to vote in the election next June. We need to hear our politicians acknowledge and act on the need to preserve the only soil that can grow our food and the water that sustains us. The focus of Food & Water First over the next nine months will be "Election 2018" and ensuring those participating in it address our concerns.
For more information or to start the conversation contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.