(North Dufferin Agricultural and Community Taskforce, Inc.)
We are an incorporated, not for profit, entity which was formed in January 2009 by concerned citizens from Melancthon and Mulmur Townships.
The NDACT executive board was formed by a group of volunteers nominated by community members.
At the inaugural meeting, members of the community gathered to voice their concerns and to find out more about The Highland Companies plans regarding the more than 6,000 acres of prime agricultural land that they had amassed as of that date. Up to that point in time, and for a lengthy period of time afterwards, Highland reiterated to the community that they had been acquiring large tracts of agricultural land solely with a view to creating a world class farming operation, but residents were highly skeptical.
By the date of the meeting, there was a growing suspicion in the area that other plans were afoot, although the applicant would not clearly admit so. There was significant evidence that the applicant was undertaking activities that were inconsistent with its stated intentions (of just being interested in potato farming) including well testing and drilling, archaeological studies, woodlot and fence row clearing and the demolition of homesteads. Highland stated that these activities were merely to improve their farming operations.
Strada's Zoning Amendment Documentation 2017 & 2018
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- Published on Tuesday, 08 February 2022 02:54
- Hits: 17010
The following is copied From the Township of Melancthon website.
In 2017 and 2018 Strada applied to rezone land to accommodate aggregate extraction. Impact assessments are also listed.
On July 5, 2018, Council of the Corporation of the Township of Melancthon passed By-law No. 34-2018 to amend Zoning By-law No. 12-79 by rezoning the lands located in the West Half of Lots 12 and 14, Concession 3 O.S. from the Agricultural (A1) Zone to the Extractive Industrial (M2) and Open Space Conservation (OS2) Zones. In accordance with Section 34 (18.1) of the Planning Act, there were no comments or written submissions provided to Council that affected Council’s decision to approve By-law 34-2018.
On July 5, 2018, Council of the Corporation of the Township of Melancthon passed By-law No. 33-2018 to adopt OPA 2. The purpose of OPA 2 is to redesignate lands located in Part of the West Half of Lots 12 and 14, Concession 3 O.S. from the Agricultural designation to the Extractive Industrial designation. It is noted that the lands subject to OPA 2 are the same lands that are the subject of ZBA 34-2018 described above.
Any person or agency may appeal to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal in respect of the Zoning By-law Amendment by filing with the Clerk of the Township not later than the 31st day of July, 2018, a notice of appeal setting out the objection to the by-law and the reasons in support of the objection. The filing fee of $300.00 must accompany the objection by cheque payable to the Ontario Minister of Finance.
Click here for the Notice of Decision
Click here for Official Plan Amendment No. 2 (OPA 2)
Click here for the Zoning By-law Amendment
NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING FOR AN OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT – Thursday, December 21st, 2017 at 5:30 p.m. Click here for the Public Notice. Click here for the Draft Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment.
Additional Information on the OPA & ZBA:
Updated Archaeological Reports dated September 15 & 21, 2017:
On June 21, 2017, the Township received an application from Strada Aggregates to re-designate and rezone lands located in Part of the West Half of Lots 12 and 14, Concession 3 OS for the purpose of establishing new mineral aggregate operations. The applications were deemed complete by Council on July 20, 2017. The applications for OPA and ZBA can be found on this page as well as the technical studies which accompanied the applications. Click here for the NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION.
Letter from MHBC Planning regarding the Strada Aggregates OPA & ZBA
Official Plan Amendment Application
Zoning By-law Amendment Application
MNRF Deemed Complete Application Letter
Planning Report of Chris Jones, Township Planning Consultant
Planning Report and Aggregate Resources Act Summary
Level 1 and 2 Natural Environment Report
Level 1 and 2 Hydrogeological Assessment
Stages 1-2 Archaeological Assessment-Bonnefield Property
Stages 1-2 Archaeological Assessment-Prince Property
Cultural Heritage Impact Assessment