
CTV News Barrie Reports on - StoMp the Mega Quarry

StoMp the meag Quarry coverage at the 11 minute mark on the link below


Goldhawk Takes his Microphone on Melancthon Bus Tour

Goldhawk Fights Back:

July 25, 2012

Dale Goldhawk takes his microphone to Melancthon Township on a bus tour designed to educate city folks on the issues facing country folks fighting back against the Melancthon mega quarry.


StoMp Racer Director Interviewed on Zoomer Radio AM740

Maria Burton, StoMp the Mega Quarry organizer, spoke with Dale Goldhawk on Zoomer Radio Tuesday July 17, 2012.

Listen to Maria speak about the race.



CBC Radio - As It Happens - Interviewed NDACT About ARA

NDACT Board Member, Dave Vander Zaag, Interviewed May 8, 2012, About ARA Review

Dave Vander Zaag, NDACT Board member , who hosted Foodstock attendees at his farm, October 2011, explained why the Standing Committee on General Government, should have extended the invitation to farmers and agricultural stakeholders to appear before the Aggregate Resources Act Review this week. "It makes it tough for us, but we'll make effort to appear. We're committed to the cause and will do whatever it takes."


When asked about the unique Honeywood silt loam that he farms, he responded, "It's nearest and dearest to my heart" and described how unique it is in Ontario.

Carol Off, CBC, As it Happens host,was familiar with the Mega Quarry fight as she interviewed The Highland Companies last year.

For more information about the ARA Review, please go to the following links:

StoMp the Mega Quarry on Dale Golhawk Fights Back

StoMp the Mega Quarry's, veteran organizer, Maria Burton was interviewed April 9, 2012, on Zoomer Radio AM740...

zoomer-radio-logoPlans are underway for another happening involving thousands of people opposed to the Megaquarry in Melancthon Township. Maria Burton describes Stomp the Megaquarry, coming up this summer.

Listen to the podcast posted April 9, 2012 on www.goldhawk.com