
Chefs, musicians unite to fight quarry plan

Foodstock attracting a lot of interest

Read more http://www.orangeville.com/what%27s%20on/article/1220471--chefs-musicians-unite-to-fight-quarry-plan

Posted in "The Orangeville Banner", Oct. 5, 2011

By Bill Tremblay

Quarry is a Threat to Guelph’s Aquifer

Letter to the Editor

Re: There is much local interest in the Melancthon Township mega quarry, and there are many protests planned to put an end to this insane idea.

However, one issue that is not receiving enough attention in this provincial election in Guelph is the threat to the safety of our own water supply. One of the seemingly biggest threats to our pristine groundwater is from the Dolime quarry.


Candidates Talk Agriculture and Melancthon Mega Quarry

Candidates talk agriculture

SIMCOE-GREY Let's face it, every resident in Ontario has a stake in supporting the province's agricultural industry. But in Simcoe-Grey, issues surrounding farming hit closer to home with numerous family farms and agri-businesses situated across the riding. So heading into next month's election, many residents are no doubt keeping their ears perked to hear what the four candidates will do to support farming and protect sensitive farmlands.

Melancthon Mega Quarry stances

The controversy surrounding the proposed mega quarry in Melancthon Township continues to grow, along with concerns over what kind environmental impacts the 2,316 open-pit crater could have on Simcoe-Grey.

Read More From the Beginning.


Candidates Talk Wind and Stones in Collingwood

Wind turbines and mega quarries were the hot topics at the recent Simcoe-Grey all-candidates meeting in Collingwood hosted by the Chamber of Commerce.


Posted in "Simcoe.com", "Barrie Advance", September 20, 2011

By: Staff Reporter

Mega Quarry, New Hospital Top Debate Topics in Alliston


Posted in "Simcoe.com", "Barrie Advance", September 20, 2011

By: Staff Reporter