Correction Regarding Budget Priorities

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Dear members and supporters of NDACT:

I want to be absolutely clear that one of the Green Party’s top priorities is to protect Ontario’s class 1 farmland and source water regions.

I’m proud to be Ontario’s first and only provincial party leader to sign the Food and Water First pledge (at a news conference on May 9, 2013).

I have and will continue to challenge the other party leaders to sign the Food and Water First pledge. I believe this is a pledge that all parties can and should support.

I recently made a mistake in an email about the Green Party’s 2014 budget priorities. I created confusion by using the header Food and Water First while writing about fiscal tools the province can use to protect natural resources. The legislation to protect prime farmland and source water regions is out of the scope of the budget. And I should not have used “Putting Food and Water First” in this context.

I apologize for my mistake.

I want to thank NDACT for your leadership in defeating the Mega Quarry and putting food and water on the political agenda. I’m honoured to have the opportunity to support your work in creating a lasting legacy for Ontario.


Mike Schreiner


Green Party of Ontario