Ontario farmers put food and water first (2013)

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Ontario farmers put food and water first (2013)


By Mark Wales, President, Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA)

Ontario farmers produce the most diverse range of food in Canada, growing more than 200 different crops including grains, fruits and vegetables. But despite this diversity, a mere 5% of the province’s land base is suitable for agriculture. And of that, only a small proportion includes Class 1, 2, 3 or 4 soils.

Productive land is a farmer’s most important resource. Clean water is a close second. These two valuable resources must be preserved. That’s why the Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA) recently signed a pledge to protect Ontario’s productive farmland and our water resources, and to make every effort to preserve the land and water that will sustain us now and for future generations. The pledge is an initiative of a new Ontario organization called Food and Water First.

Food and Water First is a grassroots movement dedicated to protecting Class 1 farmland and source water regions. While we agree with this intention, OFA feels it important to go further to defend farmland Classes 1 through 4. The group is made up of rural and urban citizens who value Ontario’s agricultural soils and water resources, and the need for preservation. Together, organization partners encourage the Ontario government to adopt a “food and water first” policy so the agricultural sector and source water regions are given priority in land-use planning.

Ontario farmers do their part every day to keep land and water safe. The majority of Ontario farmers employ tailor-made agronomic strategies through Environmental Farm Plans to ensure farmer-owned properties remain productive and environmentally sustainable for generations to come. Practices such as no-till planting, managing waste run-off and keeping on-farm waterways clean are common sense solutions on the farm.

In recent months, the OFA has been vocal on issues about water and farmland preservation. OFA fervently believes that all Ontarians benefit from the economic and environmental benefits productive land and water bring to our province. OFA has a proud history of working with like-minded organizations on research, education and policy development to further strengthen and protect Ontario farmland.

Concern for land and water comes naturally to farmers, because these resources are integral to our livelihood. The OFA applauds grassroots organizations that encourage citizens – both rural and urban – to take a stand by recognizing the value these resources hold for everyone. Ontario farmers encourage a “food and water first” policy approach, and the OFA looks forward to working with like-minded organizations to see it implemented. 

By Mark Wales
Ontario Federation of Agriculture

Posted on the Ontario Federation of Agriculture website http://www.ofa.on.ca/media/news/ontario-farmers-put-food-and-water-first